Lyssna (Listen) – A creative space for everyone
15.12 2022–15.1 2023
The project “Lyssna” (Listen) was a participatory arts project that explored how we can create platforms for people with disabilities who are curious about art and how to work with art. Here you can see documentation of the project. In December, Malmö Konsthall will present a digital exhibition with works that have been produced during the project. “Lyssna” is a regional collaboration with Malmö Konsthall, Kirseberg’s daily activity centre and Platform KCSyd.
Exhibitions online and outdoors in the city
During eight open workshop sessions at Malmö Konsthall, participants from daily activity centres and LSS residences in Skåne have had the possibility to meet local artists and create work that responds to their artistic methodologies. Around 200 works in total have been photographed and will be shown in a digital exhibition on Malmö Konsthall’s website and in Malmö Konsthall’s Studio. In January 2023 we will also be displaying the results of the open workshop sessions on poster boards around the city.
The goal is to reach a broader audience
With the project “Lyssna” Malmö Konsthall hopes to make the target group’s stories and creative resources visible to a wider public. The artists who led the studio sessions are Tom di Maria, Viktor Rosdahl, Sofia Zwahlen, Sigrid Holmwood, Ellinor Lager, Linnéa Carlsson, Selma Sjöstedt and Kim Demåne.
All of the exhibition’s works are compiled in a presentation on YouTube. View all the artworks here..
Project leaders: Lucy Smalley and Antje Nilsson, Malmö Konsthall
The group at Kirseberg’s daily activity centre: Ali Reza Rafigh, Balint Marton, Christina Dimitriou, Görgen Brolin, Jenny Jurlander and Therese Wallerek
A big thank you to the artists involved, staff at Kirsebergs DV, Plattform KCSyd, Creative Growth Arts Center and Region Skåne.
Our collaboration partners are Region Skåne, Daglig verksamhet LSS (Daily Activites Centre) Redaktionen (the Editorial Office), Podd-gruppen (Podcast Group), AntennenFilm and Terabyte. These groups are responsible for documenting the project.