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Event Series Event Series: Kollaborativet: Exhibition viewing

Kollaborativet: Exhibition viewing

A person and a figure embrace each other in a completely red room.
”Röra!” by Kollaborativet with students from Valdemarsro specialized high school. Photo: Johan Danielsson

Kollaborativet: Exhibition viewing


Kollaborativet invites you to a viewing of “RÖRA!”. Together, we will explore the exhibition, followed by a discussion with opportunities for questions and reflections. During the viewing, Kollaborativet will share insights into the exhibition’s intentions, its creation, and the working process with students at Valdemarsro specialized high school. In “RÖRA!”, you are invited to feel, embrace, look, listen, and experience.

Space for diversity

With this exhibition, Kollaborativet aims to highlight children and young people with disabilities in their creative processes and allow them to occupy space in Konsthallen as a public sphere. At the same time, the intention is to provide children and young people with a space where each individual’s unique way of interacting and experiencing the world is welcomed and expected.

“Röra!” is directed both to families with children with disabilities as well as to other people in society who have little or no knowledge or contact with the broad group of children and young people with various disabilities. The hope with the exhibition is also that art institutions will be inspired to open up their activities to more people and that knowledge, courage, and openness to diversity will increase.

Read more about “Röra!”

Kollaborativet is a performing arts collective operating at the intersection of movement, performance, and visual/installation art. A defining characteristic of Kollaborativet is that the group creates sensory performing arts, continuously engages in co-creative processes with children and young people with disabilities and their educators, and maintains an ongoing dialogue with researchers.


What: Exhibition viewing

When: Wednesday June 5th, from 14:15-15:05
Where: C-room

Free admission