Colorful figures on a wall in the art gallery's courtyard
“A Letter to the Future” was exhibited in the courtyard of Malmö Konsthall during the spring and summer of 2022. Photo: Patricia Hasling.

Kim Demåne – A Letter to the Future

14.4 – 20.10 2022

“A Letter to the Future” is a collaborative public art work that was created during twelve workshops involving 9th-grade and high school classes in Malmö, as well as the general public, together with street artist Kim Demåne. It is a collaborative project between Malmö Konsthall and the organization Helamalmö.

The artwork was created during and inspired by “Human City” – an exhibition by Kim Demåne at Malmö Konsthall from April 9 to May 15, 2022. “A Letter to the Future” is an extension of the themes present in Demåne’s exhibition and revolves around what the young participants would like to convey to the future. The result is a world of images and important messages where imagination flows freely, and everyone’s voices are included.

Till utställningen Human City


The exhibition was displayed in the courtyard of Malmö Konsthall and the outdoor seating area of restaurant Smak during the spring and summer of 2022.

Participating schools

TAU Hantverksskola, Årskurs 1
Hermodsdalsskolan, 9C 
Velandergårdens sjukhusundervisning 
Glokala Folkhögskolan  
Bryggeriets gymnasium, Årskurs 1 
Söderkullaskolan, 9A, 9C och 9D
Cybergymnasiet, Årskurs 3 

Colorful figures on a wall in the art gallery's courtyard
Photo: Patricia Hasling
Colorful figures on a wall in the art gallery's courtyard
The artwork extended around the walls of the courtyard, enclosing the outdoor seating area of the restaurant at Malmö Konsthall.
Photo: Patricia Hasling
Colorful figures on a wall in the art gallery's courtyard
The artworks were colorful, playful, and collage-like. Photo: Patricia Hasling.