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Radical Love: care as resistance

llustration of a gathering that includes people of diverse backgrounds, ethnicity, skin color, sexuality, and gender in a loving community.
Radical love: care as resistance visits the exhibition FLIGHT. The series explores practices of care in queer and BIPOC artistic and activist communities as resistance against growing neo-fascism, Islamophobia, racism, and transphobia. The programme will be in English.

Radical Love: care as resistance






19.00 Presentation of Sarah Maldoror’s work by Samuel Girma and screening of Monangambé (1968).

19.30 Conversation about FLIGHT through the lens of care between Sam Hultin, Samuel Girma and curator Tawanda Appiah.

What: Lecture, film screening & food
When: Wed 22.3 at 6–8.30pm
Where: The exhibition space / The Workshop
Language: English


Sam Hultin is an artist based in Stockholm, Sweden. Their work is based on their interest in queer history, identity and community and explores connections between personal experiences and political and social structures. Through city walks, sing-alongs and anniversaries Sam Hultin often invites queer communities to activate parts of a queer history together with them.

Samuel Girma is a Stockholm based film and art curator, as well as a community organiser, activist and co-founder of the antiracist, intersectional, and feminist platform Black Queers Sweden. Born and raised in Ethiopia, Samuel Girma moved to Sweden at the age of 13, a move that has affected much of his view on Blackness and the experiences that comes with migration. Much of Samuel’s work, art and writings depart from and center the experiences of Black bodies.



Three portrait images. In the top left, Sam Hultin is visible, to the right is Samuel Grima, and in the bottom left is curator Tawanda Appiah.