Accessibility statement

Malmö Konsthall is responsible for this website. We want as many people as possible to be able to use it. This document describes how complies with the law on accessibility to digital public services in Sweden, any known accessibility issues, and how you can report shortcomings to us so that we can address them.

To make the visit easier for individuals who need extra support, we have created a visual visitor guide to prepare you for the visit. The PDF file is accessibility-friendly, but you will need to download the file or open it in Adobe to access all features. Access the guide (in Swedish) here..

How accessible is the website?

This website is partially compliant with the law on accessibility to digital public services, due to the shortcomings described below.

What to do if you cannot use parts of the website?

If you need content from that is not accessible to you but is exempt from the scope of the law as described below, you can notify us. Please send an email to, Public relations manager at Malmö Konsthall.

To report deficiencies in the website’s accessibility

We are continuously working to improve the website’s accessibility. If you discover issues that are not described on this page or if you believe that we are not meeting legal requirements, please notify us. Send an email describing the issue to, Public relations manager at Malmö Konsthall.


The Swedish Agency for Digital Government is responsible for the supervision of the law on accessibility to digital public services. If you are not satisfied with how we handle your report of web accessibility issues or your request for accessible content, you can file a complaint with the Swedish Agency for Digital Government.

Report accessibility issues to DIGG.

Technical information about the website’s accessibility.

This website is partially compliant with the law on accessibility to digital public services, due to the shortcomings described below.

Content that is not accessible.

Images lack partially descriptive alternative texts. The site has a vast archive, and some images have not had correct alternative texts since they were first uploaded.

Action planning

Alternative texts are added to all new meaningful images. We regularly review the page’s image archive to identify missing alternative texts.

How we have tested the website

Malmö Konsthall has conducted an external audit with Useit as part of the website’s development.

The latest assessment was conducted by Useit on February 13th 2024.
The website was published on April 21st 2022.
The statement was last updated on April 21st, 2022.