Nordisk Panorama 2015
18.9 – 23.9 2015
Curating a show with the theme of belonging, identity, territory and memory comes really close to my own practise as an artist. That is an ongoing research I have been working on for years and been underlying in my work. I suppose in my role as a curator it is also something I have been interested in other artists work. Coming from Iceland where nature plays a big role in most people´s memories, as we are still so few of us, sharing this island, there is still space for wilderness and that is something that I think echos in many people´s memories and their feeling of territory. In this selection I have selected work that I thought covered the theme in question and I hope it gives glimpse into Icelandic video art scene.
Kristín Schevin, Curator
Remembering – a glimpse of a memory
1. Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir, Material Puffin, 2014 (6:28 min)
2. Una Lorenzen, In the Crack of the Land, 2009 (8 min)
3. Sigurður Guðjónsson, Glasshouse, 2010 (4:58 min)
4. Kristín Scheving, Repeating feeling, 2015 (3:31 min)
5. María Dalberg, Flökt / Fluctuation, 2015 (4:18 min)
6. Dodda Maggý, Margrét, 2005 (3:30 min)
7. Steina, In the Land of the Elevator girls, 1989 (4:15 min)
8. Woody Vasulka, Reminiscence, 1974 (4:52 min)
9. Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir, Laugarvatn, trufluð mynd/Disturbed Image 2013 (6:40 min)
Aktuell information
Nordisk Panorama – Nordic Short & Doc Film Festival visar Nordens bästa kort- och dokumentärfilmer med berättelser från hela världen under fem intensiva dagar i Malmö den 18-23 september 2015. I festivalens program finns utöver de kortfilmer och dokumentärfilmer som tävlar om Nordisk Panorama Awards även konstfilmer, Virtual Reality-upplevelser, seminarier och workshops.
I år riktar festivalen strålkastarna mot Island och bjuder på extra mycket isländska filmer och artister. På Malmö Konsthall visas ett urval av isländska konstfilmer och den Island-baserade konstnären Kitty Von-Sometime håller ett Artist Talk på Biograf Panora lördagen den 19 september 18.30. Med utgångspunkt i den världsberömda isländska artisten Björks multimedia-projekt Biophilia arrangeras en workshop där deltagarna musikaliska fantasi utmanas/konstär