Black and white image with people looking at photographs
Visitors admire Monica Englund’s photographs at Malmö Konsthall, 1975. Photo Laszlo Bogardy


11.9 – 19.10 1975

In collaboration with Kulturhuset in Stockholm, the International Women’s Year was celebrated with an exhibition divided into 5 sections: Women’s Work – Women’s Culture, Women in Art History, Serfdom – One’s Own Life, Work – Without Wearing Oneself Out, and Art by Women about Women. Regardless of age, many women were captivated by Monica Englund’s subtle photographs featuring naked pregnant women in various situations. Her photographs were part of the Women section under the theme of Serfdom – One’s Own Life.

The artist Pye Engström’s family group of giant stuffed dolls invited delightful play and togetherness. The idea was for these stuffed toys to be mass-produced and made available as play sculptures in preschools. Ann-Charlotte Weimarck’s review of the exhibition in the newspaper “Arbetet” on September 13, 1975.

Black and white picture of a small child playing among large fabric dolls.
Pye Engström’s giant stuffed dolls were enjoyed by the young visitors at Malmö Konsthall, 1975. Photo: Laszlo Bogardy

A clipping from the newspaper Arbetet. The headline reads 'Wake up Sleeping Beauty! Slap the prince in the face.'
Ann-Charlotte Weimarck’s review of the exhibition in the paper “Arbetet”.