A man in a suit leans against an artwork. The artwork is a bicycle with a double set of saddle and handlebars and no luggage carrier.

Bachelor machines


A man in a suit leans against an artwork. The artwork is a bicycle with a double set of saddle and handlebars and no luggage carrier.
Artist Jacques Carelman with his Symmetrical Bicycle, a typical Bachelor Machine precisely because it is not functional. Malmö Konsthall, 1976. Photo: Unknown

Bachelor machines

1.9 – 17.10 1976

Animated poster with the text 'Valerie Solanas Manifest der Gerellschaft zur Vernichtung der Männer S. C. U. M.' and an illustrated image of a man pointing a gun into his underwear.
Poster for Valerie Solanas’ SCUM Manifesto. Malmö Konsthall, 1976.
A newspaper clipping with the headline 'Bachelor Machine - exhibition gears up for debate.'
Article in the paper “Arbetet” by Anny Skåning, 20.8 1976.
An artwork with a wheel attached to a wooden pallet. In the background, a poster is visible on the wall.
One of the many “Bachelor Machines” at the exhibition. Malmö Konsthall, 1976. Photo: Unknown